7–11 Jul 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

XFEL Injector-1 cryogenic equipment

9 Jul 2014, 14:15
1h 45m
Poster presentation (105min) C-09: Accelerators and detectors Wed-Af-Posters Session 2.4


Mr Evgeniy Pyata (BINP)


Two accelerator cryomodules will be delivered for the XFEL Injector-1. This injector consists of an end cap, two accelerator modules, a feed cap, a feed box and a transfer line connecting the feed cap with a feed box. The feed box is connected to a valve box. The valve box is connected to XLVB by a transfer line. First injector will be located at the -7th level of XTIN. At this level the end cap, two accelerator cryomodules and the feed cap are placed. The feed box and the injector valve box will locate at the -4th level. The feed caps will be connected to the feed boxes by the corresponding transfer lines running through the XTIN shaft. The injector valve box will be connected to XLVB by an injector transfer line running through a transfer line shaft of XSE. The cryogenic supply of the injector accelerator cryomodules is separated from the supply of the cryomodules in the main tunnel.


Mr Evgeniy Pyata (BINP)


Presentation materials