7–11 Jul 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Properties of Nb3Al wires processed by Double Rapid Heating and Quenching

8 Jul 2014, 14:15
1h 45m
Poster presentation (105min) Tue-Af-Posters Sessions 1.5


Kiyosumi Tsuchiya (K)


We have been developing Nb3Al wires processed by a rapid heating and quenching for a number of years as a promising candidate for use in future high-field accelerator magnets. These wires have better strain and stress tolerance than Nb3Sn wires. However, to meet the demands for future accelerator magnet designs, it is necessary to enhance the performance of Nb3Al wires, particularly their non-copper critical current density in the field range of 12-20 T. To pursue this goal, we introduced double rapid heating quenching (DRHQ) treatment into the fabrication process of Nb3Al wires and studied the various properties (mechanical and/or superconducting properties) of the resulting DRHQ-processed wires. This paper briefly reports the results of the study.



Dr Akihiro Kikuchi (NIMS) Mr Kazuhiro Nakagawa (SH Copper Products Co., Ltd.) Dr Nobuya Banno (NIMS) Dr Takao Takeuchi (NIMS) Tatsushi Nakamoto (KEK) Prof. Tomoaki Takao (Sophia Univ.)

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