Wed-Af-Posters Session 2.6: ReBCO, BSCCO and Flux Pinning
- Kohei Higashikawa (Kyushu University)
Yuta Onodera
(Kyushu University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-09: Flux pinning and critical current
Poster presentation (105min)
Critical current density, *J*$_c$, of Gd1Ba2Cu3O7-$\delta$ (GdBCO) coated conductor (CC) under the influence of flux creep is one of the most important issues for the design of superconducting magnet applications because the flux creep affects field homogeneity and stability in the magnet. Namely, magnetic moment induced in the tape strands becomes...
Dmitry Sotnikov
(Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute)
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-02: RE123 conductors processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Our recent measurements of critical currents Ic of 2-G HTS tapes in an external magnetic field B demonstrated the difference in Ic(B) depending on mutual directions of transport currents and magnetic fields. Depending on Lorenz force direction the difference of Ic was about 10%. This phenomenon could be explained by suggestion about non-uniformity of Ic across a width of a tape. In this paper...
Martin Nikolo
(St. Louis University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-09: Flux pinning and critical current
Poster presentation (105min)
First and third harmonics of ac susceptibility along with resistivity of Ba0.56 K0.44 Fe2As2 (Tc=37.6 K) and Ba(Fe0.91Co0.09)2As2 (Tc=25.3 K) polycrystalline samples are measured as a function of excitation ac field amplitude (0.1-10 Oe), frequency (10-2000 Hz), and applied dc magnetic field (0-18 T) in a detailed study. The excitation frequency f influence on flux dynamics is studied. The...
Alexander Usoskin
(Bruker HTS GmbH), Mr
Tim Bubelis
(Bruker HTS)
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-02: RE123 conductors processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Employing a newly developed compact pilot pulsed laser deposition (PLD) machine that is based on 308nm-excimer laser we manufactured 40-80 m long coated conductors (CCs) aimed for demonstration and prototyping. Both a single beam and a double beam deposition PLD regimes were tested.
The PLD installation was substantially based on “helical” technology of tape translation, “black-cavity”...
Jeroen Van Nugteren
(Twente Technical University (NL))
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-02: RE123 conductors processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Measurements of the quasi-adiabatic normal zone propagation velocity and quench energies of a Superpower SCS4050 copper stabilized YBCO superconducting tape are presented over a temperature range of 23-47 K; in parallel magnetic fields of 6, 10 and 14 T; and over a current range from 50% to 100% of Ic. These data are compared to analytical predictions and to one-dimensional numerical...
Hyung-Seop Shin
(Andong National University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-02: RE123 conductors processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Second generation (2G) coated conductor (CC tapes) with rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) gained its popularity in electrical field applications such as motor and generators, power cables, and especially coils. This is due to its superiority in characteristics and performance compared to the first generation (1G) CC tapes. However, in coil applications, the CC tapes might experience...
Vladimir Vlasenko
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-09: Flux pinning and critical current
Poster presentation (105min)
Based on our results of critical current measurements and data published by other groups, we report on comparative analysis of vortex pinning in Fe-based superconductors (FBS) of the 122 family with different type of doping within the models proposed by R. Griessen et al [*Phys. Rev. Let.* **72** (1994) ] and Dew-Hughes [*Phil. Mag.* **30** (1974) 293]. The first one describes behavior of the...