Wed-Af-Posters Session 2.1: Large Scale Cryogenics II
- Philippe Lebrun (CERN)
Marcel Klaus
(TU Dresden)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden, is planned to be a spallation neutron research center of 5 MW beam power. As subsystem of the target station the moderators play a vital role in decelerating high energy neutrons which were set free during the spallation process. To provide maximum neutron flux intensities with high availability for scattering experiments a proposal for a...
Rakeshkumar Patel
(Institute For Plasma Research)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The SST-1 machine comprises of superconducting magnets system (SCMS) which includes TF and PF magnets. In order to charge the SCMS, we need superconducting current feeder system consisting of sc feeders and vapor cooled current leads (VCCLs). We have installed all (+/-) 10 pairs of vapor cooled current leads for the TF and PF systems. While conducting initial engineering validation of SST-1...
Claus Schroeder
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In order to test the fast-ramped superconducting magnets for FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), a cryogenic test facility was designed and is currently under construction at GSI.
The overall capacity of the cryo plant is about 1.5 kW @ 4.4 K equivalent and can be distributed to four test benches individually.
In total 108 dipoles for the SIS100 will be tested at cold. The...
Shin Jaehee
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) is building the RAON, which is a heavy ion accelerator. The cryogenic system of the SRF (Superconducting Radio Frequency) test facility is designed to perform the test of superconducting cavities and cryomodules. The test benches consist of the vertical cryostats for the cavity test and the cryomodule test benches. The cryogenic system supplies 4.5 K...
Paolo Modanese
(INFN, Laboratori nazionali di Legnaro, 35020 Legnaro -Padova, Italy)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The UNICOS (Unified Industrial Control System) developed at CERN, and widely adopted for all existing cryogenic plants there, has been chosen at INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) LNL (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro) for the revamping of the local cryogenic facilities. The cryogenic systems at INFN-LNL comprise a 1500 W @4.5 K refrigerator for the ALPI superconducting accelerator,...
Ki Woong Lee
(Institution for Basic Science)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The helium distribution system of RAON is being developed by the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) in South Korea. The Helium Distribution System (HDS) consists of a distribution box, helium transfer line, and valve box to supply 4.5 K super-critical helium to each cryogenic component reliably and efficiently. The helium transfer line will be installed in the linac tunnel with a total length...
Feng Bai
(Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzou, Gansu China)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The superconducting accelerating segment in injectorⅡ of the Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System(ADS) uses superconducting cavities operating at a frequency of 162.5MHz. The vertical performance of the superconducting cavity devices must be tested at liquid helium temperature(2K, 4.2K) before being the assembly intp their cryostat. This paper describes the constructed test station.
Paweł Duda
(Wroclaw University of Technology)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The cryogenic transfer line for XFEL/AMTF is dedicated for transferring cryogenic cooling power from helium refrigerators to a cryogenic test facility by means of the constant flows of supercritical and cold gaseous helium. The external envelope of this cryoline contains 4 cold process lines and a common radiation shield, as well as the system of supports and thermal contraction compensators....
Maria Pilar Lozano
(University of Zaragoza), Mr
Miguel Gabal
(University of Zaragoza)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The concentration of impurities in Helium gas is an important parameter for a recovery and liquefaction plant. A low level of impurities is necessary to maintain an optimum liquefaction rate in any kind of liquefier. The main origin of the impurities is the contamination with air that enters the helium mainstream at some point in the recovery cycle.
In this work we study the main sources for...
Xiaofei Niu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzou, Gansu, China)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In order to reduce the waste of helium during the testing of superconducting cavities (RFQ + HWR) for the Accelerator Driven Sub-critical (ADS) program, a new cryogenic helium recovery and purification system has been built by the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP). It can store 8000m3 helium gas, and can improve helium purity from 98% to 99.999%.
zhengyu li
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Sciences)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
Large–scale Helium Refrigeration is widely used in the fields of superconducting, nuclear fusion energy and high-energy physics. However, the present PID controlling system of the compression station is not well able to keep the high pressure and low pressure both in the expected range. In this paper, a multivariable model-based non-linear predictive controller for a Compression Station is...
Hans Quack
(TU Dresden)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In the search for the optimum process for the liquefaction of hydrogen, it was found that mixtures of Helium and Neon, called “Nelium”, allow processes with very high efficiency compared with pure Helium or pure Neon in the temperature range between 27 and 70 K. A mixture with e.g. 75 % Helium and 25 % Neon has a molecular weight of 8 kg/kmol. In contrast to pure helium the ambient temperature...
Qing Li
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In helium refrigeration systems, high-speed centrifugal cold compressors are utilized to pump gaseous helium from a saturated liquid helium tank at low temperature and pressure to produce superfluid helium or sub-cooled helium. Stall and surge are common unsteady flow phenomena in centrifugal cold compressors severely limiting the operation range and the impact efficiency reliability. In order...
Maria Pilar Lozano Bernal
(University of Zaragoza),
Miguel Gabal
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
Helium gas coming from low temperature experimental systems is recovered to avoid losses of this scarce gas on Earth. Once this Helium gas has been recovered and before its liquefaction, the impurities contained should be removed. It is possible to achieve a low level of impurities by using the proper materials and procedures on the road to Helium recovery.
A comparison of two different...
Huang-Hsiu Tsai
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
Because of the delay of civil construction, one refrigerator/liquefier test area (R/L area) was constructed for the assembly and test of a 700 W cryogenic system in year 2012. The 700 W cryogenic system was installed in March 2012 and tested in the test area with a non-vacuum jacket liquid nitrogen (LN2) transfer line in October 2012. The Civil construction of the TPS ring was completed, which...