Wed-Mo-Orals Session 8: Cryogenics for Power and Other Applications
- Guenter Thummes
Cecile Gondrand
09/07/2014, 11:00
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Oral presentation (15min)
Air Liquide started the development of Turbo-Brayton cryogenic refrigerators in 2007. The goal was to design refrigerators with high efficiency and reliability, which are key issues when talking about HTS systems refrigeration. The innovation consists in the assembly of all active elements on the same shaft. The recovery of the expander mechanical power, the centrifugal compressors and the...
Vitaly Vysotsky
09/07/2014, 11:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Oral presentation (15min)
Recently we reported about first in the world test of 10 m hybrid energy transfer line with liquid hydrogen and MgB2 superconducting cable [1]. In this paper we present the new development of hybrid energy transfer line with 30 m length. The flexible 30 m hydrogen cryostat has three sections with different types of thermal insulation in each section: simple vacuum superinsulation, vacuum...
Teruo Matsushita
(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
09/07/2014, 11:30
C-12: Various applications of superconductors
Oral presentation (15min)
We have proposed the innovative superconducting DC cable using the longitudinal magnetic field effect. That is, the current-carrying capacity of the cable can be enhanced under a axial magnetic field produced by the current itself flowing in the inner conductor and outer shielding conductor. Because of the weak link properties in coated conductor that disturb a uniform current flow, the...
Emmanuele Ravaioli
(Twente Technical University (NL))
09/07/2014, 11:45
C-14: New devices and novel concepts
Oral presentation (15min)
The recently developed Coupling Loss Induced Quench (CLIQ) protection system is a new method for initiating a fast and voluminous transition to the normal state for protecting high energy density superconducting magnets. Upon quench detection, CLIQ is triggered to generate an oscillating current in the magnet coil by means of a capacitive discharge. This in turn introduces high coupling loss...
Edward Chen
(TECO Westinghouse Motor Company)
09/07/2014, 12:00
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Oral presentation (15min)
For offshore wind power generation applications, multi-megawatts rated direct drive generators are believed to provide an opportunity to convert the abundant wind energy into electricity. Because of its ability to generate high flux fields, superconducting (SC) technology can offer significant size and mass reduction over traditional technologies. However, many challenges still exist, and...
Sastry Pamidi
(The Florida State University)
09/07/2014, 12:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Oral presentation (15min)
The Florida State University has recently completed a successful demonstration of a helium gas cooled superconducting DC cable system. Terminations are critical elements of a superconducting cable system. The terminations for the gas cooled superconducting cable are particularly challenging due to lower dielectric strength and heat capacity of helium gas compared to those of liquid nitrogen....
Minoru Takeda
(Kobe University)
09/07/2014, 12:30
C-13: LNG and hydrogen systems
Oral presentation (15min)
Hydrogen is an ultimate energy source because only water is produced after the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. In the near future, a large amount of hydrogen, produced using sustainable/renewable energy, is expected to be consumed. Since liquid hydrogen (LH2) has the advantage of high storage efficiency, it is greatly attractive as the ultimate medium for the worldwide storage and...