Wed-Af-Orals Session 11: Regenerative Cryocoolers
- Fons De Waele
Jens Falter
(TransMIT GmbH, Center for Adaptive Cryotechnology and Sensors, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 16, D-35392 Gießen (Germany))
09/07/2014, 16:00
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Invited Oral (30min)
The absence of moving parts inside their cold head, which results in low vibration level and high reliability, distinguishes pulse tube coolers (PTC) from other regenerative cryocoolers. However, residual disturbances originating from the periodic pressure oscillation remain for PTCs just like for Gifford-McMahon coolers. One of these effects is the variation of the cold flange temperature...
qian bao
(Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
09/07/2014, 16:30
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
On the base of a conventional 4K Gifford-Mcmahon (GM) cryocooler, we developed a new 2K GM crycooler system which can provide considerable cooling capacity and yet being highly compact in physical size. A series of experiments were operated to confirm and show the cooling characteristic and cooling capability of this new system. It will be shown that under no-load condition the lowest...
Subhash Jacob
(Center for Cryogenic Technology, Indian Institute of Science)
09/07/2014, 16:45
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
Sustained efforts have been made in our laboratory to improve the performance of an indigenously developed pressure wave generator by reducing the mechanical losses and current required to drive the piston. Currently, a matching pulse tube cooler targeted for 0.5 W @ 80 K was designed using Sage and the experience gained from previous studies. A no load temperature of 74 K was achieved. The...
Evgeny Kostrov
(Lebedev Physical Intitute RAS)
09/07/2014, 17:00
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
The cryostat with a commercial Gifford-McMahon cryocooler (RDK-415 from SHI)with a cooling power of 1.5 W at 4.2 K is installed in the room temperature bore of the 10 T conduction cooled superconducting magnet.
The magnet consists of NbTi and Nb3Sn coils which are connected in series and charged with a single power supply. Magnetic field uniformity is 0.25% over the axial length of 30...
Jianying Hu
09/07/2014, 17:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
Thermoacoustic engines (TEs) and pulse tube cryocoolers (PTCs) have attracted more and more attentions in recent years for their high reliability, high potential efficiency and use of environmentally-friendly working gas. Utilizing a TE to drive a PTC can produce a heat-driven cryocooler with no moving parts. However, the cooling capacity of the most existent heat-driven cryocoolers at the...
ZhuoPei Li
(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
09/07/2014, 17:30
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
The losses in the regenerator are minimized when the amplitude of the mass flow is minimized for a given acoustic power which requires that the mass flow lags the pressure by about 30° at the cold end of regenerator. The phase shift provided by an inertance tube is strongly influenced by the temperature of the inertance tube and the acoustic power at the cold end of the regenerator. For a 4 K...