Thu-Af-Orals Session 14: Cryogenics Components and Cryostat Technology
- Steven Van Sciver (Florida State University)
Nikita Emelianov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
10/07/2014, 14:00
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
Nuclotron is the first fast cycling superconducting synchrotron intended for the acceleration of high-energy nuclei and heavy ions. Its cryogenic system includes two helium refrigerators with a total capacity of 4000 W at 4.5 K. The 251.5 m long accelerator ring consists of 144 superconducting dipole and quadruple magnets. The magnets connected in parallel are refrigerated by a two-phase flow...
Can Üresin
(Linde Kryotechnik AG)
10/07/2014, 14:15
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
In 2011, Linde Cryogenics, a division of Linde Process Plants, Tulsa, Oklahoma, was awarded the contract to deliver a 500 W at 2K superfluid cryogenic plant to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) in Batavia, Illinois, USA. This system includes a cold compressor string with 3 centrifugal compressors and a vacuum pump skid with 5 volumetric pumps in parallel used to pump down helium to...
Biswanath SARKAR
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research),
Ritendra Bhattacharya
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
10/07/2014, 14:30
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
The high mass flow rates of supercritical helium necessary to maintain the ITER magnet and cryopump system at nominal operation conditions are generated by the cold circulators of the Cryodistribution system. The requirements for those cold circulators are unique in terms of the high mass flow rate and dynamic operation environment compared to the presently existing and commercially available...
Igor Sekachev
(ITER Organization)
10/07/2014, 14:45
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
ITER is a large experimental TOKAMAK being built to research fusion power. Cryostat is a multifunctional system which provides vacuum insulation for the superconducting magnets operating at 4.5K and for the thermal shield operating at 80K, also serves as a structural support for the TOKAMAK and provides access ways and corridors to the vacuum vessel for diagnostic lines of sight, additional...
Vladislav Benda
10/07/2014, 15:00
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
In the framework of the R&D program related to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) upgrades, a new High Field Magnet (HFM) vertical test bench is required. This facility located in the SM18 cryogenic test hall shall allow testing of up to 15 tons superconducting magnets with energy up to 10 MJ in a temperature range between 1.9 K and 4.5 K. The article describes the cryogenic architecture to be...
David Montanari
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
10/07/2014, 15:15
C-05: Cryostat technology
Oral presentation (15min)
We report on the performance and commissioning of the first membrane cryostat to be used for scientific application. The Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) has designed and fabricated a membrane cryostat prototype in collaboration with Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (IHI). LBNE has designed and fabricated the supporting cryogenic system infrastructure and successfully...
Yusuke Sakakibara
(University of Tokyo)
10/07/2014, 15:30
C-05: Cryostat technology
Oral presentation (15min)
In a Japanese interferometric cryogenic gravitational-wave detector, KAGRA, its mirrors will be cooled down in order to reduce thermal noise. Only cryostats containing the mirrors will be cooled down while beam ducts and vibration isolation system are kept at room temperature. Thus, thermal radiation through holes on radiation shield is problematic. To reduce this thermal radiation,...