Thu-Af-Orals Session 16: Accelerators and Detectors
- Hirotaka NAKAI (KEK Japan)
Laurent Jean Tavian
Philippe Lebrun
10/07/2014, 16:15
C-09: Accelerators and detectors
Invited Oral (30min)
Following the first experimental discoveries at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the recent update of the European strategy in particle physics, CERN has launched an international study of possible Future Circular Colliders (FCC) beyond the LHC. The FCC study, conducted with the collaborative participation of interested institutes world-wide, considers several options for very high energy...
Naoyuki Amemiya
(Kyoto University)
10/07/2014, 16:45
C-09: Accelerators and detectors
Oral presentation (15min)
When using coated conductors in accelerator magnets, one of the major technical issues is their field qualities. In order to generate the precise magnetic field, first, we must design and control the shape of the coils precisely. Furthermore, tape magnetizations can affect the field quality.
If we wind a cosine-theta coil with coated conductors, they must deform three-dimensionally to form...
G. Rolando
10/07/2014, 17:00
C-09: Accelerators and detectors
Oral presentation (15min)
The new PANDA Experiment at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany, will use proton-antiproton annihilation to study strong interaction physics. For achieving the required particle momentum resolution, the detector will comprise two magnetic spectrometers: the Target Spectrometer (TS), based on a superconducting solenoid magnet surrounding the interaction...
Alexander Bleile
10/07/2014, 17:15
C-09: Accelerators and detectors
Oral presentation (15min)
The heavy ion synchrotron SIS100 is the core facility of the international FAIR project at GSI in Darmstadt.
The magnet system of the synchrotron will operate with a high cycle frequency up to 1 Hz. The magnet coils are made of a hollow NbTi composite cable cooled by forced flow of two phase helium. The dynamic heat losses in the magnets caused by fast ramping provide the major part of the...
Ralf Eichhorn
(Cornell University)
10/07/2014, 17:30
C-09: Accelerators and detectors
Oral presentation (15min)
Cornell University is in the process of building a 10 m long superconducting accelerator module as a prototype of the main linac of a proposed ERL facility. This module houses 6 superconducting cavities- operated at 1.8 K in continuous wave (CW) mode - with individual HOM absorbers and one magnet/ BPM section. In pushing the limits, a high quality factor of the cavities (2e10) and high beam...
Wolfgang Hees
10/07/2014, 17:45
C-09: Accelerators and detectors
Oral presentation (15min)
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is an intergovernmental project building a multidisciplinary research laboratory based upon the world’s most powerful neutron source to be built in Lund, Sweden. The ESS will use a linear accelerator which will deliver protons with 5 MW of power to the target at 2.0 GeV with a nominal current of 62.5 mA. The superconducting part of the linac consists of...
Chiara Vignoli
10/07/2014, 18:00
C-09: Accelerators and detectors
Oral presentation (15min)
The ICARUS detector is a liquid argon time projection chamber with unique features that make it an ideal device to be used for several particle physics applications. After years of R&D activities, the ICARUS Collaboration proposed the construction of the T600 Module in strict partnership with industry to guarantee the necessary and viable scaling-up of the technology from prototypal dimensions...
Tripti Sekhar Datta
(Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. India)
10/07/2014, 18:15
C-09: Accelerators and detectors
Oral presentation (15min)
Superconducting linac as a booster of 15UD Pelletron accelerator was partly commissioned with one linac module housing eight quarter wave bulk niobium cavities along with the superbuncher and rebuncher cryomodules. Subsequently two more linac cryomodules were added to have in total 24 cavities for acceleration. In addition to that, a new Linde helium refrigerator of capacity 750 W @ 4.2 K...