Wed-Af-Posters Session 2.5: Current Leads and Links; Safety, Reliability and Standards
- Wilfried Goldacker
Alexander Bleile
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-10: Superconducting current leads and links
Poster presentation (105min)
The key part of the international FAIR project in Darmstadt, Germany, is the synchrotron SIS100, for which superconducting magnets are employed. For the First of Series Dipole a pair of HTS current leads with a nominal current of 14 kA DC were specified, manufactured and successfully tested. The motivation for these current leads was a high operation current and the liquefaction limit of 1 g/s...
Zhanguo ZONG
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-10: Superconducting current leads and links
Poster presentation (105min)
The SuperKEKB is being constructed at KEK, based on the nano-scheme. The final focus superconducting (SC) magnets to squeeze the beams, were designed with 8 quadrupoles, 4 compensation solenoids and 43 correctors, contained in two cryostats at the left and right sides of the interaction point (IP). The cooling power for each cryostat is supplied with an independent refrigerator and the...
Piotr Szwangruber
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-17: Safety, reliability and standards
Poster presentation (105min)
The long term operation of such a complex facility as the superconducting SIS100 accelerator of the FAIR project requires adequate Electrical Integrity (EI). Issues related to EI shall be taken into account at the design, production and commissioning stage respectively. In order to assure the safe and reliable operation of the superconducting magnets at cryogenic conditions, the facility...
Jaroslaw Fydrych
(European Spallation Source ESS AB), Mr
Riccard Andersson
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-17: Safety, reliability and standards
Poster presentation (105min)
Helium cryogenics is currently the most developed technology for the thermal conditioning of large superconducting particle accelerators. The extremely elongated structures of these accelerators require long-distance transport of cold helium from the helium refrigeration units to the users of cryogenic cooling powers (mainly magnet cryostats and cavity cryomodules). The design and operation of...
Aihua LI
(State Key Laboratory in Technologies of Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr
Gang LEI
(State Key Laboratory in Technologies of Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Haisheng LIU
(Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology), Dr
Tianxiang WANG
(State Key Laboratory in Technologies of Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr
Wenqing LIANG
(Southeast University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-17: Safety, reliability and standards
Poster presentation (105min)
The accumulated oxygen in liquid hydrogen is a big risk for storage. The oxygen and nitrogen molecules will be cooled down from gas to solid when air enters the liquid hydrogen. The intermolecular attractive force can influence the accumulation of oxygen and nitrogen molecules. The contents of molecule clusters can be different from each other. This paper studies the accumulation of air in...
Shuichi Yamada
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-10: Superconducting current leads and links
Poster presentation (105min)
A superconducting (SC) current feeder system is used as the current transmission lines for the experimental fusion device, LHD. It consists of nine flexible SC bus-lines with total length of 497 m, and nine pairs of gas-cooled current leads. The rated current and withstand voltage of each SC bus-line are 32 kA and dc 5 kV, respectively. The first experimental campaign for the plasma...