7–11 Jul 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Wed-Af-Posters Session 2.5

9 Jul 2014, 14:15


Wed-Af-Posters Session 2.5: Current Leads and Links; Safety, Reliability and Standards

  • Wilfried Goldacker

Presentation materials

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Mr Aihua LI (State Key Laboratory in Technologies of Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr Gang LEI (State Key Laboratory in Technologies of Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr Haisheng LIU (Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology), Dr Tianxiang WANG (State Key Laboratory in Technologies of Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr Wenqing LIANG (Southeast University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-17: Safety, reliability and standards
Poster presentation (105min)
The accumulated oxygen in liquid hydrogen is a big risk for storage. The oxygen and nitrogen molecules will be cooled down from gas to solid when air enters the liquid hydrogen. The intermolecular attractive force can influence the accumulation of oxygen and nitrogen molecules. The contents of molecule clusters can be different from each other. This paper studies the accumulation of air in...