Thu-Af-Orals Session 18: Heat Transfer and Materials Testing
- Robert Walsh (Florida State University)
Ranjana Gangradey
(Cryopump Project, Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, 38242008)
10/07/2014, 16:15
M-13: Cryogenic materials testing and methods
Oral presentation (15min)
Towards the aim of developing pump with large pumping speed of the order of 1 L/(s-cm2) or above for gases like hydrogen and helium through physical adsorption development of activated carbon based sorbents, like, granules, flocked fibres, knitted and non-knitted cloth sphere was carried out. To investigate the pumping speed offered, a test facility SSCF (Small Scale Cryopump Facility) which...
Takeru Sakurai
10/07/2014, 16:30
M-13: Cryogenic materials testing and methods
Oral presentation (15min)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has developed a tensile strength prediction method at liquid helium temperature (4K) using the quadratic curve as a function of the content of carbon and nitrogen in order to establish the rationalized quality control of the austenitic stainless steel used in the ITER superconducting coil operating at 4K.ITER is under construction aiming to verify technical...
Yanzhong Li
(Xi’an Jiaotong University), Mr
Yujie Yang
(Xi’an Jiaotong University)
10/07/2014, 16:45
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
Generally, an Offset Strip Fin (OSF) used in a plate-fin heat exchanger is able to provide a greater heat transfer coefficent than a plain plate-fin with the same cross section and channel length, but it also leads to an increase in flow friction and pressure drop owing to the fin offset. A new parameter, called relative entropy generation distribution factor, Ψ+, is proposed in this paper to...
Yumeng LIU
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University)
10/07/2014, 17:00
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
In order to enhance the application of a cryocooler that provides a given cooling capacity at the cold head location, and effectively spread that cooling over an extended region such as a large-scale superconducting magnet, one requires a highly efficient heat transfer method. The pulsating heat pipe affords a highly effective heat transfer component that has been extensively researched at...
Rodrigo Barraza
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
10/07/2014, 17:15
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
A Joule–Thomson refrigeration cycle (JT) using non-azeotropic gas mixtures as the working fluid has a greater thermal efficiency than a system using a pure fluid (e.g., by an order of magnitude) in the cooling temperature range from 80 to 230 K. The main component of the Joule-Thomson cycle is a regenerative heat exchanger, and the cycle efficiency is driven by the effectiveness of the...
Robin Langebach
(TU Dresden)
10/07/2014, 17:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
It is widely known in cryogenics that interconnecting pipework between a warm and a cold temperature level contribute to the heat intake of a cryogenic storage tank, especially under critical inclination. With the help of a recently published correlation the additional heat intake by possibly upcoming convection can be estimated. However, for practical application the knowledge of additional...
(Zhejiang University)
10/07/2014, 17:45
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
With the aim of formulating a new correlation for super-heat and bubble departure diameter, an experimental apparatus was built to conduct a visualization and verification study on the nucleate pool boiling of liquid nitrogen. Bubble features (including departure diameters, frequencies, and shapes) were captured by a high speed camera during nucleate pool boiling. With the acquired data, the...
Yuan Tang
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, P. R. China)
10/07/2014, 18:00
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
Film-wise condensation at liquid nitrogen temperatures is of great interest for applications in condenser/vaporizer for cryogenic air separation. Presently, very few data are available for the two-phase flow pattern and heat transfer in the nitrogen vapor condensation process. Experiments were implemented to obtain full insights into two-phase flow pattern and heat transfer characteristics at...
Jan Hendrik Derking
10/07/2014, 18:15
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
The AEgIS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) experiment at CERN has as main goal to perform the first direct measurement of the Earth’s gravitational acceleration on antihydrogen atoms within 1% precision. To reach this precision, the antihydrogen should be cooled down to about 100 mK to reduce its random vertical velocity. This is obtained by mounting a Penning...