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Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

A Dark Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy (1/4)

by Dr Edward W. KOLB (Chicago University, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics)

TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room


TH Theory Conference Room
According to the standard cosmological model, 95% of the present mass density of the universe is dark: roughly 70% of the total in the form of dark energy and 25% in the form of dark matter. In a series of four lectures, I will begin by presenting a brief review of cosmology, and then I will review the observational evidence for dark matter and dark energy. I will discuss some of the proposals for dark matter and dark energy, and connect them to high-energy physics. I will also present an overview of an observational program to quantify the properties of dark energy.
From the same series
2 3 4
Organised by

Daniele Lajust