Dorian Kcira
(California Institute of Technology (US))
The Caltech Tier2 is a major site providing substantial and reliable computational and storage resources to CMS, combining production processing of simulated events, support for US CMS physics analysis, and computing, software systems, and network developments. Caltech continues to lead key several areas of the LHC computing and software aimed at enabling grid-based data analysis, as well as global-scale networking. An update on the status of the Caltech Tier 2 is given together with the synergistic activities in networking operations and R&D at Caltech.
The Caltech Tier2 is a major site providing substantial and reliable computational and storage resources to CMS, combining production processing of simulated events, support for US CMS physics analysis, and computing, software systems, and network developments. Caltech continues to lead key several areas of the LHC computing and software aimed at enabling grid-based data analysis, as well as global-scale networking. An update on the status of the Caltech Tier 2 is given together with the synergistic activities in networking operations and R&D at Caltech.
Artur Jerzy Barczyk
(California Institute of Technology (US))
Azher Mughal
(California Institute of Technology (US))
Dorian Kcira
(California Institute of Technology (US))
Harvey Newman
(California Institute of Technology (US))
Samir Cury Siqueira
(California Institute of Technology (US))