28 October 2013 to 1 November 2013
University Of Michigan
America/Detroit timezone

PDSF at NERSC - Site Report HEPiX Fall 2013

28 Oct 2013, 12:15
340 West Hall (University Of Michigan)

340 West Hall

University Of Michigan

Oral presentation Site reports Site reports


James Botts (L)


PDSF (Parallel Distributed Systems Facility) has been in continuous operation at NERSC since 1996 on dedicated and ever changing hardware, supporting a broad user base in the high energy physics community. We will describe recent and ongoing changes in the underlying architecture of PDSF. We are moving to a model where the PDSF cluster will consist of dedicated front end servers and a set of compute nodes drawn from a backend cluster, unified by a batch system. User storage will be migrated from a dedicated GPFS cluster to a site wide NERSC Global File system, facilitating the use of other NERSC clusters which have a faster and lower latency interconnect for parallel jobs. These changes should help minimize downtime when the cluster is moved to a new building at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in 2014/15.



Presentation materials