28 October 2013 to 1 November 2013
University Of Michigan
America/Detroit timezone

OpenAFS Status Report

31 Oct 2013, 11:30
340 West Hall (University Of Michigan)

340 West Hall

University Of Michigan

Oral presentation Storage & Filesystems Storage and file systems


Derrick Brashear (Y)


A status report on OpenAFS with a focus on: * 2013 Security Vulnerabilities . OPENAFS-SA-2013-001 Buffer overflows in OpenAFS fileserver . OPENAFS-SA-2013-002 Buffer overflow in OpenAFS ptserver . OPENAFS-SA-2013-003 Brute force DES attack permits compromise of AFS cell . OPENAFS-SA-2013-004 vos -encrypt doesn't encrypt connection data * latest OS platform support including Windows 8.1, OSX Maverick, and Linux kernels * Foundation status


Presentation materials