28 October 2013 to 1 November 2013
University Of Michigan
America/Detroit timezone

Puppet at Fermilab- Managing a Large Heterogeneous Environment

30 Oct 2013, 16:00
1324 East Hall (University of Michigan)

1324 East Hall

University of Michigan

Oral presentation Basic IT Services Basic IT services


Edward Simmonds (Fermilab) Tyler Parsons (Fermilab)


Puppet has been in use by the Fermilab Experiments Facilities department to support computing for a variety of experiments for the last several years.  This presentation will discuss our experience deploying, refining, and upgrading Puppet to scale to thousands of systems, across different experiments, servers, batch nodes, and workstations.  This presentation will describe our efforts to build an understandable and maintainable Puppet repository, that is flexible and usable by multiple administrators.



Presentation materials

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