1–6 Jul 2013
Paraninfo buidling, Zaragoza, Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

High resolution tracking detectors with cascaded GEMs

2 Jul 2013, 12:05
Aula Magna (University Paraninfo)

Aula Magna

University Paraninfo


Lev Shekhtman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP))


GEM-based position sensitive detectors are used and planned to be used in several experiments in the Budker INP. At present eight triple-GEM detectors are installed in the KEDR experiment at the VEPP-4M collider where they operate in the tagging system measuring momenta of electrons and positrons after two-photon interactions. Several triple-GEM detectors made of very light components are planned to be installed in the DEUTERON experiment at the VEPP-3 storage ring. The first detector of this type is assembled and tested with dedicated electronics. We plan also to build large cylindrical GEM-based detector with two layers of triple-GEMs of 60 cm inner diameter. This project is now discussed for the CMD-3 experiment at the VEPP-2000 collider. Status of all these projects will be described in the report.

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