Emanuel Pollaco
GET is an international program to develop a versatile, reconfigurable and scalable medium sized system to cover nuclear physics and particle requirements for instruments with up to 32k electronic channels with event rates of up to 1KHz. Signals are sampled with frequency of up to 100MHz on 512 deep circular capacitive arrays. 12bit time-stamped reduced data is transferred via micro-TCA units having a total band width of 10Gbit/s per unit (3units for 32 Kchannels). A 4 level fully numeric trigger is integrated in this development. In this presentation a short description of the system architecture is given. Results coming from different MICROMEGAS, GEM, DSSSDs prototypes will be presented. GET developments will be implemented at ACTAR (GANIL,FR), AT-TPC (NSCL, US) , SAMURAÏ-TPC (RIKEN, Jap,) J-PARC, MINOS (IRFU, FR), N-TOF(CERN) and other laboratories/experiments. Production of the modules are programmed for 2013 and early 2014.