Konstantinos Ntekas
(National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
Five small prototype MicroMeGas detectors were positioned in the ATLAS detector during LHC running at sqrt(s) = 7 and 8 TeV. A 9 x 5 cm2 two-gap detector was placed in front of the electromagnetic calorimeter and four 10 x 10 cm2 on the ATLAS Small Wheels, the first station of the forward muon spectrometer. The one attached to the calorimeter was exposed to rates that are orders of magnitude higher than the rates expected in the New Small Wheel after the Phase I upgrade of the ATLAS detector for the sLHC (15 kHz for η ≈ 2.7). We present the results of the analysis (ageing tests, luminosity measurement) of the data collected with these MicroMeGas detectors.