Belgian-Indian Workshop on Double Parton Scattering
Department of Physics, Panjab University
Department of Physics, Panjab University
Jasbir Singh(Panjab University (IN)), Kajari Mazumdar(Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN)), Nick Van Remortel(University of Antwerp (BE)), Sunil Bansal(University of Antwerp (BE))
Aim of this workshop is to discuss phenomenology and experimental aspects of the multi-parton interactions in high energy hadron colliders, in particular double-parton scattering (DPS), review of the DPS results in CMS and other LHC experiments, and establish a collaborative effort for present and future DPS measurements in CMS experiment.
There is no extensive DPS measurements in collider experiments so far, average one measurement per experiment, due to issues with experimental understanding of signal and backgrounds.
DPS measurements, so far, are restricted to jets from the second interaction due to high production cross section.
LHC has delivered huge amount of data and luminosity will be quite higher in next collision phase, it will make it possible search for DPS signal in other small cross section processes for example; same-sign WW, double Drell-Yan, W/Z + jpsi etc.
Ultimate goal of this workshop to make some working group in CMS which will work together in understanding experimental issues of DPS analysis and search for DPS signal in rare final states.
Prof.Kajari Mazumdar(Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN)), Prof.Kajari Mazumdar(Experimental High Energy Physics Group, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)