Session 4 - Upgrade scenario 2 (decoupled from scenario 1)
- Brennan Goddard (CERN)
- Roland Garoby (CERN)
Hannes Bartosik
(Physics Division)
30/10/2013, 14:30
The present intensity and brightness limitations of the LHC injector synchrotrons for 25 ns beams are space charge, beam loading, instabilities in the transverse and longitudinal planes and electron cloud effects. This paper reviews how these performance limitations are expected to change after implementing the mitigation measures foreseen within the Upgrade Scenario 2. The question...
Rogelio Tomas Garcia
30/10/2013, 15:40
The HL-LHC parameters assume unexplored regimes for hadron colliders in various aspects of accelerator beam dynamics and technology.
This talk reviews various alternatives that could potentially improve the LHC performance, for example: the use of e-lens to compensate the beam-beam head-on interaction, the use of optical or coherent electron cooling to reduce the beam emittance (at...