Structure Medium Mass Nuclei
- Piet Van Duppen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
Alexandra Gade
26/11/2013, 14:00
The US gamma-ray tracking array GRETINA just completed its first science campaign at the NSCL(MSU). An overview will be presented, showing selected results covering broad topics from nuclear structure physics and nuclear astrophysics. A brief summary of the FRIB status will be given.
Elisa Rapisarda
26/11/2013, 14:30
Studying the region around the doubly magic nucleus 78Ni with the Z=28 and N=50 shell closures is particularly interesting for testing the validity of the contemporary nuclear models and for unraveling new aspects of the interactions used in these models. Especially the evolution of single-particle and collective phenomena between the harmonic oscillator shell closure at N=40 and the shell...
Magdalena Zielinska
(CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
26/11/2013, 15:00
Shell evolution in the vicinity of 68Ni has recently attracted many theoretical and experimental investigations. By now it has been clearly established that the presumed subshell closure at N=40 is not very pronounced. While the intruder character of the 1g9/2 and 2d5/2 neutron orbital induces collectivity by pair excitations from the fp shell into the g9/2 orbital, the parity change hinders...
Stefanie Hellgartner
(Technical University of Munich)
26/11/2013, 15:20
The standard Coulomb Excitation setup at MINIBALL uses a forward CD at fixed distance to the target, only. We built a new setup, based on the T-REX design, to allow a variable distance of the forward CD as well as to cover backward angles in the laboratory frame. This allows to use high intense beams and gives better insight into multiple coulomb excitation studies. Multiple coulomb excitation...
Henryk Mach
(NCBJ, Warsaw, Poland)
26/11/2013, 15:40
There is a strong interest in the properties of the exotic doubly magic 78Ni. 78Ni itself is at the edge of the experimental reach, thus most of the experiments concentrate on its very close neighbors located North and North-East, as well as South-West, which can be studied in some detail. This presentation provides an overview of the current status of the fast timing experiments IS441 and...
Costel Petrache
(University Paris Sud and CSNSM, CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France)
26/11/2013, 16:00
The 160Yb nucleus (Z=70 and N=90) is double-magic with respect to the predicted Tetrahedral symmetry. Even if already studied in heavy-ion induced reactions, neutron spallation and β+-decay, the non-yrast low-spin states and their properties are not well known. In particular it is not clear if a 3- state exists in 160Yb, which could belong to the tetrahedral band. We propose to study the...