Albino Perego
(TU Darmstadt, Institut für Kernphysik Theoriezentrum)
Binary neutron star mergers are among the most extreme events
happening in the Universe. These very powerful events are expected to
release large amounts of energy in form of neutrinos, gravitational
waves and electromagnetic radiation, together with the ejection of a
small fraction of their original mass. In particular, they are
expected to be sites for r-process nucleosynthesis, as well as very
promising candidates to power short-hard gamma-ray bursts (GRBs)
and/or the newly discovered macro/kilo-novae.
In this talk I will present results from 3D simulation of the
aftermath of a binary neutron star merger. The (Newtonian) dynamics of
the disk will be investigated, as well as the neutrino emission coming
from the central object and the inner part of the accreting torus.
The neutrino emission is modeled by an advanced spectral leakage
scheme. It includes a model for neutrino diffusion in the optically
thick regime, and takes into account neutrino absorption in the
optically thin regions of the disk.
Results regarding the production of a baryonic neutrino-driven wind
will be discuss, with a special emphasis on its properties related
with nucleosynthesis (electron fraction, entropy, velocity) and with
the possibility to power a short GRB (wind geometry, baryonic
Albino Perego
(TU Darmstadt, Institut für Kernphysik Theoriezentrum)