Dirk Rischke
(Institut für Theoretische Physik Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität)
Calculations within QCD-inspired models as well within QCD in the large-N_c
limit show that dense quark matter features inhomogeneous phases. The order
parameter for
chiral symmetry breaking varies periodically, in the form of a chiral density
wave ("chiral spiral")
or in the functional form of a Jacobi elliptic function. In this talk, I will
demonstrate that this
phenomenon also occurs in an effective chiral model with purely hadronic
degrees of freedom.
The parameters of the model are adjusted to give a reasonable fit of hadron
vacuum properties.
The model is also able to reproduce nuclear matter saturation properties.
We find that, above a density of about 2.4 times the nuclear matter ground
state density, an
inhomogeneous phase sets in, where the chiral order parameter varies in the form
of a chiral density wave. Thus, inhomogeneous phases seem to be a generic feature
of high-density strongly interacting matter.
Dirk Rischke
(Institut für Theoretische Physik Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität)