Constraining the Field Correlator Method by Neutron Star observations

24 Mar 2014, 18:00


Dr Dario Zappalà (INFN Cezione di Catania)


The Field Correlator Method provides an approximation of the full Quantum Chromodynamics Equation of State (EoS) for quark matter, which is parametrized in terms of the gluon condensate and the large distance quark-antiquark potential. This EoS can be confronted with the hadronic EoS to analyze the phase transition from nuclear to quark matter, thus providing a simple framework to describe the interior of a Neutron Star. In particular, it is discussed how recent observational data on heavy neutron star masses put some physical constraints on the two parameters of the model.


Dr Dario Zappalà (INFN Cezione di Catania)

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