New multiwavelength observations of two gamma-ray pulsars J0357+3205 and J1357-6429

28 Mar 2014, 17:00


Ms Aida Kirichenko (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute)


Recent discoveries of the Fermi mission have increased the number of known gamma-ray pulsars by a factor of twenty. Multiwavelength investigations of these objects are crucial for unveiling the pulsar emission nature. Because gamma-ray pulsars are typically nearby and energetic, they, in particular, appear to be promising targets for studies in X-ray and optical domains. We present new observations of two gamma-ray pulsars J0357+3205 and J1357-6429 obtained with GTC/OSIRIS and VLT/NACO facilities. We also performed an independent analysis of the archival X-ray data obtained with XMM-Newton/EPIC and Chandra/ACIS. For the radio quiet pulsar J0357+3205 we set a deep upper limit g>28.1 on its brightness in the optical and compare it with the X-ray data. The upper limit implies that the optical nonthermal power-law emission of the pulsar is about two orders of magnitude lower than it was expected from the X-ray data and suggests a spectral break in the pulsar nonthermal spectrum between the optical and X-rays. At the same time the optical upper limit is consistent with the upper limit on the temperature of the neutron star entire surface of 40 eV followed from the X-ray data, making it one of the coldest among cooling middle-aged neutron stars known and a promising target for observations in the UV. For the pulsar J1357-6429 we present new adaptive-optical near-IR observations and discuss possible counterpart candidates of the object. New radio interferometric ATCA observations are also presented. They allow us to put new constraints on the pulsar proper motion.


Ms Aida Kirichenko (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute)


Dr Andrey Danilenko (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Dmitry Zyuzin (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Max Voronkov (ATNF) Dr Peter Shternin (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Ronald Mennickent (Universidad de Concepcion) Dr Sergey Zharikov (UNAM) Dr Simon Johnston (ATNF) Prof. Yuri Shibanov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute)

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