Rapid Spin-Deceleration through Asymmetric Neutrino Emission in Magnetized Proto-Neutron Stars

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Tomoyuki Maruyama (Nihon University)


We estimate the maximum possible contribution to the early spin deceleration of proto-neutron stars due asymmetric neutrino absorption under the strong magnetic field. We calculate the neutrino reaction in the context of a fully relativistic mean field theory and estimate the spin deceleration of neutron stars due to asymmetric neutrino absorption in a toroidal magnetic field configuration. We find the deceleration can much larger for asymmetric neutrino absorption in a toroidal magnetic field than the braking due to magnetic dipole radiation.


Tomoyuki Maruyama (Nihon University)


Prof. Grant Mathews Mathews (University of Notre Dame) Dr Jun Hidaka (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Prof. Myong Ki Cheoun (Department of Physics, Soongsil University, Seoul) Nobutoshi Yasutake (Chiba Institute of Technology) Prof. Toshitaka Kajino (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

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