Afternoon session - Parallel A
- Jose Pons (Alicante University, Spain)
Ramandeep Gill
(CITA (University of Toronto))
27/03/2014, 14:50
The cooling theory of neutron stars is corroborated by its comparison with observations of thermally emitting isolated neutron stars and accreting neutron stars in binary systems. An important ingredient for such an analysis is the age of the object, which, typically, is obtained from the spin-down history. This age is highly uncertain if the object's magnetic field varies appreciably over...
Nathalie Degenaar
(University of Michigan)
27/03/2014, 15:10
In transient X-ray binaries, the crust of a neutron star becomes temporarily heated during accretion outbursts, while it subsequently cools in quiescence when accretion has ceased. This crustal cooling can be observed by studying the thermal X-ray emission from quiescent neutron stars with sensitive X-ray satellites. Comparing these observations with theoretical simulations provides a unique...
Deborah Aguilera
(Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Bremen, Germany)
27/03/2014, 15:30
The theoretical modeling of the thermal relaxation of the
neutron star crust in low mass X-ray binaries may be used to establish
constraints on the crust and envelope composition and transport
properties, depending on the astrophysical scenarios assumed. I will show
numerical simulations of the neutron star crust thermal evolution and
compare them with inferred surface temperatures for...