Afternoon session - Parallel B
- Isaac Vidana (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
C. Providência
(University of Coimbra)
24/03/2014, 14:30
The effect of the symmetry energy on several properties of neutron stars is discussed. First, we analyze the effect of the symmetry energy on the pasta phase. It is shown that the size of the pasta clusters, number of nucleons and the cluster proton fraction depend on the density dependence of the symmetry energy: a small L gives rise to larger clusters. The influence of the equation of state...
Francesca Gulminelli
(LPC and Univ.of Caen)
24/03/2014, 14:50
Dense matter as it can be found in core-collapse supernovae and neutron stars is expected to exhibit different phase transitions which impact the matter composition and equation of state, with important consequences on the dynamics of core-collapse supernova explosion and on the structure of neutron stars. In this talk we will address the specific phenomenology of two of such transitions,...
Jerome Margueron
(IPN Lyon, France)
24/03/2014, 15:10
Exotic and drip-line nuclei as well as nuclei immersed in a low-density gas of neutrons in the inner crust of neutron stars are systematically investigated with respect to their neutron pairing properties. This is done using Skyrme density-functional and different pairing forces such as a density-dependent contact interaction and a separable form of a finite-range Gogny interaction....
Adriana Raduta
24/03/2014, 15:30
Though generally agreed that the symmetry energy plays a dramatic role in determining the structure of neutron stars and the evolution of core-collapsing supernovae, little is known in what concerns its value away from normal nuclear matter density and, even more important, the correct definition of this quantity in the case of unhomogeneous matter. Indeed, nuclear matter traditionally...
Debora Menezes
(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
24/03/2014, 15:45
Based on the SU(3) symmetry group, we fix the hyperon-meson coupling constants and constrain them to experimental nuclear matter results and astrophysical observations. We then study the effects of meson-hyperon coupling constants on the onset of hyperons in dense nuclear matter. While the discovery of massive pulsars PSR J1614-2230 and PSR J0348+0432 points towards a very stiff equation of...
Kristian Petrik
(Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
24/03/2014, 16:00
Recent progress in astronomical observations, namely accurate estimation of the mass of the pulsars J1614-2230 and J0348+0432, which yields values around 2 M_sol, demands that any reliable nuclear equation of state (EoS) should be able to reproduce these results. Common feature of models that include hyperon degrees of freedom, kaon condensates or other forms of exotic hadronic matter, is...
Stefan Gmuca
(Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
24/03/2014, 16:15
The exchange part of energy density of the linear Dirac-Hartree-Fock (DHF) model in dense matter is evaluated in a parameter-free closed form and expressed as density functional. After the rearranging terms the relativistic mean-field approach with density-dependent couplings may be recovered with density dependence coming from the Fock interaction. The formalism developed, is then extended to...