Evening session - Parallel B
- Jerome Margueron (IPN Lyon, France)
David Blaschke
(University of Wroclaw)
25/03/2014, 17:00
We introduce two sets of models with symmetry energy functionals which at
high baryon densities differ in stiffness. The symmetric part of the energy
per baryon is the same for all models and is based on the APR EoS. We test
the behavior of the symmetry energy by using a constraint on the total
baryon mass for a gravitational mass of a 1.25 M$_{\odot}$ neutron star.
This constraint is the...
Gabriele Taranto
25/03/2014, 17:30
We calculate the effective masses of neutrons and protons in dense nuclear matter within the microscopic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock many-body theory and study the impact on the neutrino emissivity processes of neu- tron stars. We compare results based on different nucleon-nucleon potentials and nuclear three-body forces. Useful parametrizations of the numerical results are given. We find...
Roshan Sellahewa
(University of Surrey)
25/03/2014, 17:45
The equation of state and internal composition of neutron stars is not very well constrained yet. In this work, I have used theoretical nuclear physics techniques to predict the bulk properties of neutron stars starting from the Gogny interaction. The results of 10 different parametrizations of this nuclear interaction have been compared to constraints obtained from nuclear physics...
Adam Szmagliński
(Institute of Physics, Cracow University of Technology)
25/03/2014, 18:00
We study properties of the proton component of neutron star matter for a number of realistic nuclear models. Vanishing of the nuclear symmetry energy implies proton-neutron separation in dense nuclear matter. Protons which form admixture tend to be localized in potential wells. Here we extend the description of proton localization to finite temperatures. It appears that the protons are still...
Kenji Fukukawa
(INFN Sezione di Catania)
25/03/2014, 18:15
Baryon-baryon (BB) interactions are most fundamental in nuclear structure and matter properties. The purpose of this talk is to discuss properties of the realistic quark-model (QM) BB interaction and the prospects in the application to the nuclear matter physics. QM BB interactions are constructed in the framework of resonating-group method for two three-quark clusters[1]. QM BB interactions...