LLRF and diagnostics for X-band test stand

252/1-046 (CERN)



  • Ben Woolley
  • Joseph Tagg
  • Luca Timeo
  • Nuria Catalan Lasheras
  • Stephane Franck Rey
LLRF and diagnostics for X-band test stand (09 Aug 2013)
Present: Nuria Catalan Lasheras; Stephane Franck Rey; Joseph Tagg; Luca Timeo; Ben Woolley

The PLL solution for the signal generation is working and proved by the prototype. Stephane will prepare a handful of them for Xboxes. Two are needed for Xbox2. He will also update the synoptic of the system before going on holidays. New NI cards have been ordered for Xbox3. It is possible to retrofit Xbox2 with them and save a PLL but is not yet the plan to so. 

Cabling. The experience with Xbox1 shows that the calibration of the cables changes with time and could reach up to 2-3dB. The proposal is to use waveguides for the signals in Xbox2 or a high quality cable more expensive. Ben proposed an hybrid solution with long fixed waveguides coming from the bunker to the wall and high quality cables at the end to connect to the rack. Given the price of waveguide bends, the additional mechanical support required and additional FSU work required for the waveguides, the difference of price may come to zero. Luca will contact a company for high quality cables and obtain a sample for testing it in the lab. He will also ask about lead times for the other cables. We will take a decision in September. In any case, this cable will not be done by EN-EL

Vacuum signals and interlocks. Nuria has agreed with VSC that the controls and interlocks from vacuum signals will be handled by us. Joseph will take care of implementing the vacuum signals in the already programmed FPGA-based interlock logic. Stephane noted that the interlocks should be the subject of a thorough failure analysis especially if they are supposed to protect against fire, floods or personal injuries (not the case).  In September we will organize a meeting again to go through the interlocks first among us and then with VSC for approval. 

Stephane brought up the Xbox1 calibration and informed that the results obtained up to now are not reliable. Some of the connectors were not tightly screwed and recent calibrations have shown high discrepancies. Redoing a proper layout removing all the cables that were put for troubleshooting will take a month of work. It is proposed to do a short intervention (recalibration of the structure-incident-power signal path) as soon as possible. Complete consolidation of the Xbox1 will only be possible once Xbox2 is running. Nuria will discuss with Igor and Walter to validate this and see who is in charge of Xbox1. 
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      Speakers: Ben Woolley (Lancaster University (GB)), Joseph Tagg, Mr Luca Timeo (CERN), Dr Nuria Catalan Lasheras (CERN), Stephane Franck Rey (CERN)