2–8 Feb 2014
Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo
Europe/Sarajevo timezone

Many-flavour QCD and the conformal window

3 Feb 2014, 18:30
Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo

Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo

Hotel Marsal Bjelasnica Mountain Olympic Ski Center 71220 Trnovo Sarajevo Bosnia-Herzegovina


Agostino Patella (CERN)


As the number of flavours in QCD is increased beyond some threshold, chiral symmetry is restored and long-distance physics becomes scale invariant. The region of parameter space in which this happens is called "conformal window". The phenomenology of theories in the conformal window or close to it is very different from real-world QCD, and clearly shows how rich gauge theories can be. As these theories are inherently non-perturbative, lattice simulation provide a unique setup to investigate them from first principles. In this talk I will review the main results and open questions in this field, the challenges ahead, and the techniques used.


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