We will be holding a combined Swiss and Rhone-Alpes OpenStack user group meeting at CERN on the afternoon of 6th December.
The logistics for the day are desribed in http://indico.cern.ch/materialDisplay.py?materialId=0&confId=273593. Those of you who were able to get an underground visit slot will have been contacted with your group number.
Although all the slots for visiting ATLAS are now full, there will be the opportunity to visit CERN's Microcosm display and the Globe of Innovation for all participants during the morning along with doing some shopping for some unique souvenirs.
For more information on the Swiss OpenStack user group, see http://www.meetup.com/openstack-ch
For the Rhone-Alpes user group, see http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-Rhone-Alpes/
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