
Photons and neutral mesons

3 Mar 2014, 15:30


Photons and neutral mesons

  • Toru Sugitate (Hiroshima University (JP))

Presentation materials

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Yuri Kharlov (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
03/03/2014, 15:30
Dr Gustavo Conesa Balbastre (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
03/03/2014, 16:10
Tsubasa Okubo (Hiroshima University (JP))
03/03/2014, 16:40
Tomohiro Yuasa (Hiroshima University (JP))
03/03/2014, 17:00
Marie Germain (Subatech, IN2P3-CNRS (FR))
03/03/2014, 17:20
Tomoya Tsuji (Department of Physics-Graduate School of Science-University of)
03/03/2014, 17:50
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