Gustavo Conesa Balbastre(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Latchezar Betev(CERN), Tatsuya Chujo(University of Tsukuba (JP)), Toru Sugitate(Hiroshima University (JP)), Yves Schutz(IN2P3 (FR) and CERN)
The workshop combines ALICE analysis and Grid operations presentations and discussions under the same roof. This is a unique opportunity for the ALICE physicists to become more familiar with the workings of the Grid and for the Grid experts to meet the people who use the distributed production and analysis facility in their daily work. The workshop will also have a common Analysis-Grid session on Wednesday as well as a common social event.
The Japan - France analysis workshop will discuss seminal topics of the ALICE physics - jets, neutral particles, correlations and multiplicity in p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb, di-electrons, to HBT. It will also cover parts of the ALICE detector upgrade for Run2 and Run3 as well as theoritical presentations.
The T1-T2 workshop will discuss the general status of the Grid computing in the first year of the LHC Long Shutdown (LS1). In particular, the progress of the network upgrades, LHCONE and IPv6 and Grid software upgrades, EMI, CVMFS, glexec, MonALISA, AliEn and xrootd/EOS, and their impact on operation will be discussed. Looking to the future, the plans for the ALICE productions and calibration data taking in 2014 will be presented. We will also have a discussion on the computing centres resouces ramp-up for the start of Run2 in 2015. This workshop aims at gathering computing and storage-related software developers, grid operation and network experts, and site administrators involved in ALICE computing activities. Everyone will profit from the presentations, tutorials and discussions, and is therefore highly encouraged to join this event.