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6–8 Nov 2013
Europe/London timezone


Plenary 2: Current Events (Cont'd)

6 Nov 2013, 11:00
CR12 and 13 R68 (RAL)

CR12 and 13 R68


Harwell Oxford Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0QX


Plenary 2: Current Events (Cont'd)

  • TBD

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr andrew moss (Daresbury Laboratory)
06/11/2013, 11:00
Ruslan Asfandiyarov (Universite de Geneve (CH))
06/11/2013, 11:30
Prof. Kenneth Long (Imperial College London)
06/11/2013, 12:00
Building timetable...