13–16 May 2014
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste
Europe/Zurich timezone

RF Operation, HOM Damped Cavities and 150 kW Solid State Amplifiers at the ESRF

13 May 2014, 16:30
Hotel NH Trieste (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)

Hotel NH Trieste

Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste

Hotel NH Trieste Corso Cavour 7 34132 Trieste Italy
Oral presentation SPC judgements Tuesday afternoon 2


Dr Jorn Jacob (ESRF)


In the frame of the ongoing ESRF upgrade phase 1, a new RF section has been recently commissioned with three strongly HOM damped cavities powered by three 150 kW Solid State Amplifiers (SSAs). On the booster, four 150 kW SSAs are replacing the former klystron transmitter since April 2012. Twelve additional HOM damped cavities have been ordered at the end of 2013 for the projected low emittance ring that will replace the existing machine at the end of this decade. The status of RF operation, the commissioning of the new SSAs and the HOM damped cavities and the RF system for the new machine will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Jorn Jacob (ESRF)


Dr Alessandro D'ELIA (ESRF) Mr Georges Gautier (ESRF) Jean-Maurice Mercier (ESRF) Michel LANGLOIS (European synchrotron radiation facility) Dr Vincent Serrière (ESRF)

Presentation materials