Thursday morning 1
- Daniel Valuch (CERN)
Patrick Marchand
(Synchrotron SOLEIL)
15/05/2014, 09:00
SPC judgements
Oral presentation
In the SOLEIL storage ring, two cryomodules provide to the electron beam an accelerating voltage of 3-4 MV and a power of 575 kW at 352 MHz. Each cryomodule contains a pair of superconducting cavities, cooled with liquid Helium at 4.5 K, which is supplied by a single 350 W cryogenic plant. The RF power is provided by four solid state amplifiers (SSA), each delivering up to 180 kW. The...
Michel Langlois
15/05/2014, 09:30
SPC judgements
Oral presentation
A 12 kW amplifier operating at 352 MHz has been designed, developed and built at ESRF. It uses a resonant cavity to combine the power of 18 home made RF modules. This is a prototype for a bigger amplifier which is currently under construction. The main features of this smaller version will be described, together with hopefully interesting considerations on manufacturing. The performances...
Jesús Ramón Ocampo Pérez
15/05/2014, 10:00
SPC judgements
Oral presentation
**Status and Operation of the ALBA RF System**
*J.Ocampo, B.Bravo, A.Salom, F.Perez*
ALBA is a 3 GeV, 400 mA, 3rd generation Synchrotron Light Source in operation for users since May 2012, in Barcelona, Spain. The RF System has to provide 3.6 MV of accelerating voltage and restore up to 540 kW of power to the electron beam. For that six RF plants, working at 500 MHz, are...