Thursday morning 2
- Shigeki Sasaki (SPring-8/JASRI)
Eric Montesinos
15/05/2014, 11:00
SPC judgements
Oral presentation
A brief description of the two tetrode power plants of the CERN-SPS. Some statistics accumulated with more than 100 tetrodes over almost 40 years of operation. Some horrors that occured over the period...
Daniel Valuch
15/05/2014, 11:30
SPC judgements
Oral presentation
Important HV electrical parameters of the LHC klystron amplifier are monitored by the control system. The currents are measured by external DCCTs on HV cables at ground potential, voltage dividers are isolated by V to f converters. The system performes well, but many components are at the end of their lives and measurement accuracy and access to the data for trouble shooting could be...
Richard Nelson
(Jefferson Lab)
15/05/2014, 12:00
SPC judgements
Oral presentation
Designed as a 4 GeV electron machine, CEBAF was run at 6 GeV. Major upgrades implemented over the past several years increased capabilities to12 GeV. 80 CW RF channels of a new design were added to the existing 340 channels to achieve this energy. As previously reported, a new, higher power klystron design, new HV power supplies, plus new controls and interlocks were required. Deliveries of...