Benjamin Todd
The LHC Availability Working Group has been looking into methods of exploiting machine and system availability metrics to optimise LHC physics production.
This presentation outlines the key methods that have been identified for individually tracking equipment and machine availability in the 2010-12 period, from this the concept of an LHC Cardiogram has been produced, showing key availability information derived from operational logbooks, machine data and equipment experts.
An extension of this method for capturing LHC availability information is outlined, called the LHC Systems Availability Tracker. This system will provide standardised availability metrics and profiles for equipment, and will provide the complete requirements, and proof of concept, for availability tracking which may be used in an integrated asset and event management tool. The proposed implementation and basic exploitation of the LSAT is shown.
A road-map is given for; the AWG, the proposed implementation of the LSAT tool and links to the Maintenance Management Project.