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28–29 Nov 2013
Francis Crick Institute
Europe/London timezone

The EGI Federated Cloud, using standards to create a fair and open European Cloud marketplace

29 Nov 2013, 09:00
Mendel Rooms 1 and 2 (Francis Crick Institute)

Mendel Rooms 1 and 2

Francis Crick Institute

Wellcome Building 215 Euston Road London NW1 2BE


Dr David Wallom (Oxford e-Research Centre)


The EGI Federate cloud has been active for two years, within that time it has moved from an idea on how using standards you can build a federation of private and smaller public cloud providers to an activity that is currently connecting national cloud services within three countries alongside smaller clouds from elsewhere. It has also bought the EGI its first commercial resource provider which we use as a showcase of how with the creation of an open marketplace different classes of providers, business models and SLA are able to be supported to provide resources to different communities with different expectations.

Presentation materials