20–24 Oct 2014
Peking University, Beijing, China.
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Test of Time-Reversal Invariance at COSY (TRIC)

20 Oct 2014, 16:50
Yingjie International Exchange Centre, Peking University

Yingjie International Exchange Centre, Peking University

Parallel talk S8: Fundamental Symmetries and Spin Physics Beyond the Standard Model Parallel-II


Dieter Eversheim (Helmholtz Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, University Bonn, Germany)


Dieter Eversheim (Helmholtz Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, University Bonn, Germany)


Dr Bernd Lorentz (Institut für Kernphysik Forschungszentrum-Jülich, Germany) Dr Yury Valdau (Institut für Kernphysik Forschungszentrum-Jülich, Germany)

Presentation materials