21 July 2008 to 15 August 2008
Europe/Zurich timezone
We are updating the scheduled program of seminars and discussions

S. de Alwis: "Supersymmetry breaking models and String theory constraints"

5 Aug 2008, 14:30
TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room




A consistent theory of supersymmetry breaking must have a hidden sector an observable sector and must be embedded in a locally supersymmetric theory which arises from string theory. For phenomenological reasons it must also transmit supersymmetry from the hidden to the visible sector in a dominantly flavor neutral manner. Also any such theory of supersymmetry breaking has to take into acount the problem of quadratic divergences which arise once the theory is embedded in supergravity. A model which incorporates all these features with just the bare minimum of necessary supergravity/string theory moduli fields coupled to the minimally supersymmetric standard model, is presented. Every other model has either an extra sector or more fine-tuning or both.

Primary author

Shanta de Alwis (U. Colorado)

Presentation materials