7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Amplitude Analysis in Lights Hadron Spectroscopy

11 Sept 2014, 17:00
Petrov-Vodkin 2

Petrov-Vodkin 2

Section B: Light Quarks Parallel II: B8 Light Quarks


Vincent Mathieu (Indiana university)


I give an overview of the Jefferson Lab Physics Analysis Center (JPAC) activities. JPAC is a join center between Indiana University and the Jefferson Laboratory. We provide theoretical tools for data analysis in hadron spectroscopy. In this talk, I will present the following topics: - Dalitz plot analysis of eta-> 3pi and omega-> 3pi - omega -> pi gamma transition form factor - Application of Dual models to charmonium -> 3pi and extension to gamma p -> K+ K- p - pion-nucleon amplitudes from threshold to Regge energies: application of finite energy sum rules to constrain baryon resonances


Vincent Mathieu (Indiana university)

Presentation materials