Section A, Focus Subsection
applications of strongly interacting matter and chiral matter to material science.
Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement
Vacuum configurations (vortices, monopoles, calorons, … ) and other lower-dimensional structures in the QCD vacuum; QCD vacuum wave functionals; eigenmode spectrum of covariant (Dirac, Laplacian) operators, connection to confinement and topology; ghost/gluon propagators and confinement criteria; new analytic approaches to confinement; the chiral magnetic effect; numerical studies of the QCD string; renormalons and power corrections.
Section B: Light Quarks
Chiral and soft collinear effective theories; sum rules; lattice; Schwinger-Dyson equations; masses of light quarks; light-quark loops; phenomenology of light-hadron form factors, spectra and decays; structure functions and generalized parton distributions; exotics and glueballs; experiments.
Section C: Heavy Quarks
Heavy-light mesons, heavy quarkonia, heavy baryons, heavy exotics and related topics: phenomenology of spectra, decays, and production; effective theories for heavy quarks (HQET, NRQCD, pNRQCD, vNRQCD, SCET); sum rules for heavy hadrons; lattice calculations of heavy hadrons; heavy-quark masses determination; experiments.
Section D: Deconfinement
QCD at finite temperature; quark-gluon plasma detection and characteristics; jet quenching; transportation coefficients; lattice QCD and phases of quark matter; QCD vacuum and strong fields; heavy-ion experiments.
Section E: QCD and New Physics
Physics beyond the Standard Model with hadronic physics precision experimental data and precision calculations.
Section F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics
Nuclear matter; nuclear forces; quark matter; neutron and compact stars.
Section G: Strongly Coupled Theories
Hints on the confinement/deconfinement mechanisms from supersymmetric and string theories; strongly coupled theories beyond the Standard Model; applications of nonperturbative methods of QCD to other fields.
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