Stephen Lars Olsen
(Seoul National University)
The 2013 PDG tables lists the JPC=0++ X(3915)wJ/y resonance, seen in BKwJ/y decays and the ggwJ/y fusion process by both the Belle and BaBar experiments, as the cc0', i.e., the cc0(2P) radial excitation of the cc0(1P) charmonium state. I (and others) dispute this assignment for a number of reasons, including its peak mass value, M=3918.4±1.9 MeV, narrow width G=20±5 MeV, and the absence of any evidence for decays to the DDbar open-charmed meson channel. Evidence for an alternative cc0' candidate with properties that more closely match charmonium model expectations in published Belle and BaBar measurements are shown and discussed.
Stephen Lars Olsen
(Seoul National University)