7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Thermodynamics from lattice QCD with Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted fermions

9 Sept 2014, 18:50
1h 30m
Levinson Lounge

Levinson Lounge

Poster Poster Session Poster Session


Prof. Michael Mueller-Preussker (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)


We present the results achieved for a project dealing with lattice QCD thermodynamics in the presence of two dynamical quark generations employing the twisted mass discretization for Wilson-type quarks and an improved gauge action in order to ensure (automatic) O(a) improvement of lattice artifacts. We fix the (charged) pseudo-scalar meson mass values at 400 MeV and around 250 MeV. The temperatures range from 150 to 650 MeV. A fixed-lattice scale approach is used at three different lattice spacings in order to control the approach to the continuum limit. The effect due to the inclusion of the second quark generation is studied by comparing with previously obtained two-flavour results at the higher pseudo-scalar mass value.


Prof. Michael Mueller-Preussker (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)


Dr Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz (JINR Dubna, VBLHEP and BLTP) Dr Florian Burger (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin) Dr Maria Paola Lombardo (INFN, Lab. Nazionali di Frascati)

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