7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

(Multi-)Strange hadron and light (anti-) nuclei production with ALICE at the LHC

9 Sept 2014, 17:50
Deyneka 2

Deyneka 2

Section F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics Parallel VI: F4 Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics


Ramona Lea (University and INFN Trieste)


Thanks to its excellent tracking performance and Particle Identification capabilities, the ALICE detector allows for the identification of light (anti-) (hyper-) nuclei and for the measurement of (multi-) strange particles over a wide range of transverse momentum. Deuterons, tritons, $\rm ^{3}{He}$ and $\rm ^{4}{He}$ and their corresponding antinuclei are identified via their specific energy loss in the Time Projection Chamber and the velocity measurement provided by the Time-Of-Flight detector. Strange and multi-strange baryons and mesons as well as (anti-) hypertritons are reconstructed via their topological decays. Detailed measurements of (multi-) strange hadron production in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collision and of light (anti-) nuclei and (anti-) hypertritons in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC will be presented. The experimental results will be compared with the predictions of both statistical hadronization and coalescence models.


Ramona Lea (University and INFN Trieste)

Presentation materials