7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

The confining baryonic Y-string on the lattice

12 Sept 2014, 17:20
Petrov-Vodkin 1

Petrov-Vodkin 1

Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement Parallel I: A3 Vacuum structure and confinement


Ahmed Bakry (Chinese Academy of Sciences-Institute of modern Physics)


We look for the signature of the confining Y-bosonic string in the gluonic profile due to a system of three static quarks on the lattice. The gluonic distribution is calculated in pure Yang-Mills lattice gauge theory at finite temperature with Polyakov loops operators. The analysis of the action density unveils a background of a filled-$\Delta$ distribution. However, we found an underlying structure of three string-like configuration that interpolates from $\Delta$ to a $Y$-configurations; all within the $\Delta$-shaped background. The length of the revealed Y-string-like distribution is maximum near the deconfinment point. The action density width profile returns good fits to a baryonic string model only for large quark separation. The Y-string configurations provides good fits for both the in-plane and off-plane width profile.


Ahmed Bakry (Chinese Academy of Sciences-Institute of modern Physics)


Prof. Pengming Zhang (Institute of Modern Physics-Chinese Academy of Sciences) Prof. Xurong Chen (Institute of Modern Physics-Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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