7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Hadron interactions and exotic hadrons on the lattice

8 Sept 2014, 17:10
Deyneka 1

Deyneka 1

Section F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics Parallel V: F2 Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics


Yoichi Ikeda (RIKEN)


One of the interesting subjects in hadron physics is to look for the multiquark configurations. One of candidates is the H-dibaryon (udsuds), and the possibility of the bound H-dibaryon has been recently studied from lattice QCD. We also extend the HAL QCD method to define potential on the lattice between baryons to meson-meson systems including charm quarks to search for the bound tetraquark Tcc (ud ¥bar{c} ¥bar{c}) and Tcs (ud ¥bar{c} ¥bar{c}). In the presentation, after reviewing the HAL QCD method, we report the results on the H-dibaryon, the tetraquark Tcc (ud ¥bar{c} ¥bar{c}) and Tcs (ud ¥bar{c} ¥bar{c}), where we have employed the relativistic heavy quark action to treat the charm quark dynamics with pion masses, m_{¥pi}=410, 570, 700 MeV.


Presentation materials