7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Delta-resonance production in compact stars

11 Sept 2014, 17:50
Deyneka 1

Deyneka 1

Section F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics Parallel V: F5 Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics


Alessandro Drago (University of Ferrara)


I will show that Delta resonances are easily produced in compact stars when the asymmetry energy is taken into account by using the correct value of its density derivative at saturation (the parameter called L). The Delta production has crucial implications on the maximum mass of the compact stars and on their radius.


Alessandro Drago (University of Ferrara)


Prof. Andrea Lavagno (Turin Politecnico) Dr Daniele Pigato (Turin Politecnico) Dr Giuseppe Pagliara (Univ. Ferrara)

Presentation materials